About Jaclyn


Jaclyn Strominger

Jaclyn has been been passionate about helping people for

over three decades. After 20 years in magazine publishing,

she started mentoring when she realized most people begin

their careers without a clear path or plan. In 2013, she

became an entrepreneur and through her journey started

coaching and training women and men how to pursue their

own passions and create the life they desire. Jaclyn has

made it her mission to help others take charge of their life

and make changes to become better version of themselves.

As a mentor, she helps others increase their inner and outer

confidence, take leaps, and take charge of their lives. She is

there for her clients to help them through the highs and lows

of change.

My mission is to be a coach, mentor, and accountability partner to help women and men take leaps toward success, Level Up! Careers and life are about stages, I want to be there to help create goals and plans for all of the stages we go through.

So many of us struggle with confidence and making changes and leaps. Helping men and women feel good, be confident, and take those leaps to a better life is the greatest joy!

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