LEAP to Change with a MENTOR

LEAP to Change with a MENTOR

8 Reasons

Making a change of any kind is never easy. It does not matter the size of the change either, whether you are making a change of a job, career, moving towns or states, or, going from a single person to a couple or from a career woman to a mom; all of these changes have an impact on our lives. Deciding on the change and working through the process can be daunting. Having a mentor and accountability partner by your side, helping you along your journey is a huge gift and benefit. Having a mentor can really make the process of changing go and flow so much better. I know firsthand, as I have made huge changes myself; a career change and a move across the country are just 2 to mention, and I have had a mentor by my side, making the journey all the better. Below find a few tips for finding a mentor and really why having a mentor is now more than ever essential and how to find a great mentor and accountability coach.

Top 3 tips for Having a Mentor and Accountability Coach

Having an Accountability Coach and Mentor will help you set clear, specific goals to work on to move you through taking a leap to change.

They will help you see and work through the good, the bad and the difficult times and help you through the journey. Create an action plan the defines and creates steps for you to achieve your goals and take the leap.

Most importantly, hold you accountable on your steps and action items. This is truly. the best benefit, you stay motivated and accountable for your actions. You will establish regular check-ins to review your progress, discuss any obstacles and hurdles that are getting in your way and help you move past them as you Leap to Your Success!

Top 3 Tips for finding a Mentor or Accountability Coach

First and foremost, make a decision you want to make a change. Start networking and asking for referrals. Talk to people in your professional or personal network and ask for referrals. Look at your communities on social media and reach out to people you respect and ask for referrals. LinkedIn is a great resource.

Look for someone who has either had a similar experience or is or has been in your field as they can. provide real-life experiences

Consider personality fit. You are going to be spending time working with your coach and you need to feel comfortable around and with them. Ask them for an introductory or exploring call to see if you are a fit.

Once you have found a coach, make sure you have set up goals and a success plan and be ready to take a LEAP to Change!

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