Leap To Your Success: Get Sh*t Done!


My mission as a High Achiever Success Coach is to propel ambitious individuals to peak performance in business and life. I am committed to mentoring and guiding high achievers to transcend their limits and take bold leaps forward.

By fostering a culture of confidence and excellence, I help professionals harness their potential, elevate their aspirations, and achieve profound success. It is my passion to see high achievers not just reach but exceed their goals, becoming confident leaders and innovators in their fields. Witnessing these transformations and celebrating each milestone is not just my work; it’s my greatest fulfillment

About Jaclyn

For over thirty years, I've been driven by one unwavering purpose: guiding high achievers to unprecedented success. My journey began in the dynamic world of magazine publishing, where two decades of insight revealed a common thread—too many talented individuals were navigating their careers without direction or a strategic plan.

Embracing entrepreneurship in 2013 marked the beginning of a new chapter, one where I dedicate myself to empowering professionals to not only pursue their passions but to excel in them. As a High Achievement Success Coach, my mission is more than mentorship—it's about initiating transformation. I work with ambitious women and men who aspire to lead, innovate, and shape their industries.

My approach is holistic, focusing on enhancing both inner strength and outer confidence. The goal? To enable high achievers to make bold, strategic leaps in business and life. My commitment extends beyond coaching—it's about partnership. Through each challenge and victory, I am there, providing the support and accountability needed to navigate the complexities of change.

The essence of my coaching is encapsulated in the moment a client realizes they have not only reached but surpassed their goals. That moment of triumph underscores everything I stand for. Join me, and let's unlock the extraordinary potential that resides within you, propelling you to become the architect of your own success.

About Jaclyn

Jaclyn has been been passionate about helping people for over three decades. After 20 years in magazine publishing, she started mentoring when she realized most people begin their careers without a clear path or plan.

In 2013, she became an entrepreneur and through her journey started coaching and training women and men how to pursue their own passions and create the life they desire. Jaclyn has made it her mission to help others take charge of their life and make changes to become better version of themselves.

As a mentor, she helps others increase their inner and outer confidence, take leaps, and take charge of their lives. She is there for her clients to help them through the highs and lows of change.



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Winning from Defeat

April 08, 20244 min read

I love to win; but I love to lose almost as much. I love the thrill of victory, and I also love the challenge of defeat.” – .” -Lou Gehrig

Unstoppable from defeat

Watching the NCAA tournament is a rollercoaster of emotions, especially when your team loses. I was conflicted between Alabama and UConn and I was really rooting for Iowa. It's devastating to see your team's dreams shattered, but true champions know that defeat is not the end of the road. Instead, it's an opportunity to learn, grow, and come back stronger. Just like in business, setbacks are inevitable, but it's how you respond to them that defines your success.

Reflection: Analyzing the Game After a tough loss, the losing team doesn't just go home and forget about it, well if I am coaching they would not. They review the game footage, analyze their mistakes, and identify areas for improvement. In business, this translates to conducting a thorough post-mortem after a project fails or a deal falls through or you miss your sales numbers. By objectively assessing what worked and what did not work, you can pinpoint weaknesses in your strategy, execution, or team dynamics. This self-awareness is crucial for growth and future success.

Refocus: Setting New Goals Defeat can be demoralizing, but it's essential to refocus and set new goals. The losing team doesn't dwell on the past; they look towards the future. They set their sights on the next season, the next tournament, and the ultimate prize. In business, this means re-evaluating your priorities, setting new targets, and developing a roadmap to achieve them. It's about maintaining a growth mindset and seeing setbacks as stepping stones rather than roadblocks.

Resilience: Building Mental Toughness Losing a high-stakes game can be a mental blow, but champions use it as fuel to build resilience. They learn to bounce back from adversity, to push through pain, and to maintain a positive attitude in the face of challenges. In the business world, resilience is equally important. Entrepreneurs and executives face constant obstacles, from market shifts to personnel issues. Building mental toughness allows you to weather these storms, adapt to change, and keep moving forward.

Reinvention: Updating the Playbook Just as a basketball team might need to update their playbook after a losing season, businesses need to be willing to reinvent themselves. This might mean pivoting to a new market, revamping your product line, or overhauling your company culture. By embracing change and innovation, you can stay ahead of the curve and position yourself for future success. It's about being proactive rather than reactive, and always seeking ways to improve.

Renewed Hunger: The Drive to Win Perhaps the most important lesson from a losing team is the renewed sense of hunger they bring to the next season. They've tasted defeat, and they never want to experience it again. This drive to win propels them to work harder, play smarter, and leave everything on the court. In business, this translates to a relentless pursuit of excellence. It's about setting the bar higher, pushing beyond your comfort zone, and never settling for mediocrity and becoming unstoppable.

The Comeback Story In sports and in business, everyone loves a comeback story. It's the team that rises from the ashes of defeat to claim victory, the entrepreneur who bounces back from bankruptcy to build an empire. These stories inspire us because they embody the human spirit of resilience, determination, and the refusal to give up. By embracing the lessons of defeat, you too can write your own comeback story.

Time for Your Reflection: How do you fight back after a loss or defeat? Losing is never easy, but it's an inevitable part of the game. Whether in sports or in business, what separates the champions from the rest is how they respond to defeat. By reflecting, refocusing, building resilience, reinventing, and renewing their hunger for success, the losing team can transform setbacks into the ultimate competitive advantage.

Remember, you can go alone in the fight, but having a partner, a tribe, or a coach by your side creates a more impactful comeback. Surround yourself with people who believe in you, who push you to be your best, and who support you through the ups and downs. With the right mindset and the right team, there's no defeat you can't overcome.

So the next time you face a loss or setback, remember: it's not the end, it's the beginning of your comeback story. Embrace the lessons of defeat, lean on your support system, and use the experience to fuel your journey to the top.

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